Sponge Dough
6g Dried Yeast
160g Bread Flour
1tbsp Milk Powder
110ml Cold Water
Main Dough
1/2 tsp Salt
40g Sugar
1pc Egg
90g Bread Flour
80g Butter
200g Dried Mix Fruits
(Lemon + Orange Peel; Raisin; Cranberries; Blueberries & Prune; which ever u can find)
1/4 tsp Cinnamon Powder
50 ml Rum
Pinch of Icing Sugar
1) To prepare sponge dough: Mix A and knead to form a dough. Let it prove for 1 hour (but i leave in the fridge for 3 hrs).
2) Pre-mix item (C) at least 1 hr in advance.
3) Add Item (B) to into sponge dough except butter till form a dough. Than add butter and knead till a smooth, elastic dough is formed. B4 u add in item (C)till well blended.
4) Divide the dough into 2 portions and mould them into a ball. Lets them rest for 20 min.
5) Roll the dough into oval shape, fold the bottom third up, the top third dow, making sure the top flap doest not extend over the base. Leave them to rest for 40min b4 baking.
6) Brush with melted butter and bake at 170 degree C for 30mins. When bread is baked, bush again with melted butter and leave to cool on wire rack.
7) Dush with icing sugar b4 serving.
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